How PRP was Born

How Project Red Panda Began: AN IDEA BETWEEN TWO FRIENDS

Tenjing and Becca first met in 2019 while working for a nonprofit in Kathmandu that built bicycles for entrepreneurs in Nepal. Their shared passion for empowering others and creating opportunities for underserved communities brought them together as collaborators and friends. Although that nonprofit is no longer in operation, Tenjing and Becca have continued their mission to make a meaningful impact in Nepal. Their experience working together inspired them to create new ways to support those in need, which eventually led to the founding of Project Red Panda.

In 2020, what we now call Project Red Panda began as a heartfelt effort to make a difference for children and communities in Nepal. It all started when Tenjing reached out to Becca, asking for her help to raise funds to provide essential supplies for a remote village in Nepal. Inspired by the need and the impact they could create, they joined forces and organized their first fundraiser.

The success of that initial effort motivated them to continue their mission. In 2021, they launched another fundraiser to support the Tipling & Jharlang villages of Nepal, providing much-needed resources to communities with limited access to essentials. Over the years, they completed more fundraisers, all managed through Becca’s GoFundMe page, which supported even more remote villages. These efforts have provided relief to underprivileged children and victims of devastating landslides & earthquakes.

While the movement began in 2020, the name Project Red Panda wasn’t established until 2024, as Tenjing and Becca started laying the groundwork to officially transform their efforts into a sustainable nonprofit. What began as a personal project between two friends has grown into a larger mission with long-term goals.

Moving forward, Tenjing will manage Project Red Panda as a nonprofit based in Nepal, ensuring the project remains deeply connected to local needs and guided by his on-the-ground expertise. At the same time, Becca is working to create a nonprofit in the United States that uses the power of art & design to fund initiatives like Project Red Panda. Through art sales, collaborations with other artists, and the design of sustainable programs, the U.S.-based nonprofit will generate reliable funding to support PRP and other projects dedicated to empowering underserved communities worldwide.

Together, they are building a future where Project Red Panda can continue to grow, reach more children, and make an even greater impact. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Stay tuned for more updates as we work toward turning this shared vision into reality!


Our First Campaign