Our First Campaign

Reflecting on Our Earliest Fundraisers: The Road to Project Red Panda

When Tenjing and I began our fundraising efforts, we couldn’t have imagined the incredible support we would receive or the lives we would be able to impact together. In this post, we want to reflect on the first two fundraisers that paved the way for what is now Project Red Panda.

Our first fundraiser in 2020 was a grassroots effort to provide essential resources like warm clothing, medical supplies, and school books to remote mountain villages in Nepal. Although we don’t have detailed records from that campaign, we remember it as a heartfelt effort that brought meaningful relief to families in need as we were able to raise all of the funds needed to support the cause.

The second fundraiser in 2021 built upon those early lessons and focused on supporting the Tipling and Jharlang villages, located 140 km northwest of Kathmandu in Nepal’s hilly region. These villages face unique challenges due to poor road conditions, making access to facilities and resources difficult. The people in this region, mostly descendants of the Tamang ethnic group, rely heavily on local crops like millet and corn and face significant risks such as human trafficking and early forced marriages for young girls who are unable to attend school.

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to directly support:

  • 125 children with warm hats and jackets

  • 50 families with warm blankets

  • A wheelchairs for a disabled child in Soon Bahadur

  • Medicine and health equipment for the Jharlang Swastha Chauki health post

  • Sports materials for the local school, giving children an opportunity to play and build confidence

These contributions made a tangible difference for struggling families, children, and individuals with disabilities in these remote villages, especially during the harsh winter months.

As we reflect on these early fundraisers, we are filled with gratitude for everyone who supported us, believed in our vision, and helped bring hope to these communities. These efforts laid the foundation for the work we continue to do with Project Red Panda, and they inspire us to keep pushing forward.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Your generosity is the reason we’ve been able to help so many, and we can’t wait to share even more stories of impact with you.

Thank You to Our Donors

Anonymous: $25

David Gaskins: $30

Christian Liedtke: $500

Nadja Volken: $200

Yvonne Hodel: $200

Candice A McInerney: $20

Jonathan McInerney: $500

Anonymous: $200

Bimala Shrestha: $35

Nick Kenyon: $25

Amy McInerney: $25

Anonymous: $100

Dominik Meier: $20

Mindy Whitehead: $50

Anonymous: $50

Anonymous: $25

Lori and David Mitchell: $100

Anonymous: $20


How PRP was Born


Empowered students